
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

24 Day Challenge - End Of Year Sale

Since it is the end of the year, I wanted to offer a discount on something new that we will be offering. It is called the 24 Day Challenge. This challenge can be utilized for you to kick start your New Year's resolution for fitness.

The first 30 days of a fitness program are the hardest. Therefore, if you can follow an organized exercise and nutritional plan for those first 30 days, you will see results quicker, thus continue to follow your program once those 30 days have passed. I feel so confident that if you follow are program's guidelines, you will see results in 24 days and really want to adhere to the program.

This is something new that we are incorporating into our services and hope that you are intrigued enough to take advantage of it. The sale is going to save you as much as 20% off this program. To find out more details on this program please click here.

This sale will end December 31, 2009 at 11:59pm, so please act fast. If you do not receive this email in time, please look at this program anyways. It will be well worth your investment to make 2010 a healthier YOU!

Friday, December 11, 2009

5 Tips To Lose Weight During The Holidays

The holidays come and everyone has an excuse why they shouldn't exercise.

"Oh, let me eat the holiday fun foods, put on weight, and I'll get started next year." That is BUNK!

Here are 5 tips I discovered to help you lose weight or continue losing weight during the holidays.

1. Get A Strategy: It's not that you can't enjoy the holidays, but figure out a plan of attack. If you are going to a party, eat healthy around that party. Maybe eat healthy right before the party, so you don't overindulge. Or use that day as your cheat day. One day of Xmas cookies and eggnog isn't going to kill you.
2. Schedule Your Workouts In That Strategy: Maybe condense your workouts to 20-30 minute intense circuits. That way you can still get your workouts in and find time for other things.
3. Move Around: Get active. Play with your kids or walk around the block. Don't just stuff your face full of food, lie around, then eat leftovers an hour later.
4. Moderate Portions: Enjoy those wonderful foods, but eat in moderation. Load up on the fruit salad first before having that reindeer cookie. Instead of having 2 buttermilk biscuits, have one.
5. Don't Feel Guilty: As I stated earlier, plug in a cheat day. If you feel you went overboard, don't beat yourself up over it. Get back on track the next day. Remember, if you have been exercising and eating healthy up to that point, one day won't send you over the top.
The worst thing you could do is to stop all the good habits you are doing for the next month. This is the time to continue those positive traits because they will help you enjoy the holidays and get through them at the same weight if not less.