
Friday, February 29, 2008

What I Learned At The Arnold

If you live in Columbus, where I live, it is hard not to realize that this weekend is the Arnold Fitness Expo. I don't know what he officially calls it, but that is what I will call it. It started off as a bodybuilding competition in the eighties and has morphed into probably the biggest event in the fitness industry.

It boasts a bunch of sports that include bodybuilding, fitness competitions, powerlifting, weightlifting, mixed martial arts, gymnastics, fencing, and the list goes on. To find out when all these events are happening, go to

I don't go down to the Arnold that much anymore, unless a friend invites me or it's on Sunday (Saturday is pure MADNESS). It is just impossible to see everything that is going on there and it all seems to look the same after awhile.

One year, I had the opportunity to work security for the men's bodybuilding competition. This is what I took away from the event.

1. One of the few perks I had being security was that I got a free picture with Arnold (I will post that at some point). He is a good 3 inches shorter than me and I'm 6'1".

2. He can really ramble on and talk about nothing when he wants to.

3. Most competitive bodybuilders are really short.

4. There are a segment of bodybuilders that really don't care much for Arnold. Yeah, I can understand that, he only elevated bodybuilding to the levels that it is today. (note the sarcasm)

5. For $5.50 an hour, there was no way I was going to stand in the way of any bodybuilders in the audience, who might all of the sudden fly into a roid rage and want to rush the stage.

6. Maria (Arnold's wife. You know, one of the Kennedy's.) didn't really seem to be too interested in what was going on.

The bodybuilding event is something to see once, but not twice.

Those are some nice little tidbits about my Arnold experience working the security. I do recommend to go down to the expo if you have never been there before. There is something for everyone and it is a sight to behold.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What If You Aren't To Blame For Your Weight Problems?

Anyways, I've been saving this rant for a week and a half, when I first saw it in the paper, so here goes.

There is a growing theory out there that our society is to be blamed for our ever-expanding waist line. This theory is even picking up steam with health and nutrition experts. The theory states that food manufacturers and marketers, store managers, restaurant operators, and food vendors are the ones that put all those tasty, yet unhealthy, foods in front of us on a daily basis.

Some people may argue that those individuals aren't forcing people to eat all those foods. Yes, that is a strong point, but what you don't realize is that eating is triggered by environmental cues that many people don't realize or simply can't ignore. For example, the smell of fresh baked cookies means you have to eat a dozen of them.

To control this, we need to institute laws that will regulate portion size, limit access to ready-to-eat foods, and curbing food advertising.

So, let me get this straight. You need to have "big brother" instill a law to control my eating habits?? Now I've heard everything. This is just another example of how our society wants to shirk responsibility and blame someone else.

This is just like when parents get called into school for a teacher's meeting. Before, it was "what did my child do and how should I punish him." Now, it is "what did you do to my child to make him do these things."


The article suggests that people can control their eating, but only for so long. I have talked with many dieticians, such as our new R.D. Amber Wilson, and I don't know a one who is saying don't eat much. A lot are saying eat frequently throughout the day and if you eat the right foods, you won't have problems. You would really have to eat a lot of healthy foods to develop a weight problem, but most people don't think like that.

They try to eat smaller portions of the nutritiously challenged crap they always eat and their body says feed me, because you didn't do a good job the first time. If you were to eat healthy, and frequently throughout the day, your body wouldn't react like that.

But go ahead. Let's blame society for our problem. It isn't you. And while we are at it, let's look at the many people who don't have a weight problem and view them as freaks. They have some special power that blocks all those environmental cues to eat candy and the such. That has to be it.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

How To Keep From Getting A Broken Heart On Valentine's Day

With Valentine's Day approaching next week, I thought I would discuss some tips and techniques for getting a strong heart, thus avoiding a "broken heart."

The first thing you want to do is start an exercise program. You should do both cardiovascular and resistance training, but the cardio really strengthens that heart. If you can do 30 minutes of moderate activity daily, it can do several things for your heart:

1. It will improve your heart function
2. It will lower your blood pressure
3. It will lower cholesterol
4. It will give you more energy

Those are all great things and can greatly reduce the chances of you acquiring heart disease.

The other thing that will really help get your heart strong, essentially by not decaying it, is eating a well-balanced diet. You want a diet that is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt, and high in fruits, vegetables, grains, and fibers.

It doesn't have to be like that all the time. You can still take in your occasional indulgences, but most of the time it should be balanced to off-set those fun foods you like to eat.

If you can do those first two things, it will really help you control your blood pressure and cholesterol. Those items shouldn't be out of whack if you do the exercise and diet, thus not hurting your heart. You will then want to avoid smoking and if you do smoke, STOP!! Smoking adds to the hardening of your arteries thus improving your chances of a heart attack.

So those little tidbits won't help with your sweetheart's Valentine's Day gift, but it will help you enjoy other Valentine's Days for many years to come. Please feel free to post your comments, no matter how much you agree or disagree.