
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Do Speed Training To Prevent Knee Injuries

Why does it seem that more athletes are suffering major knee injuries?  Adam Kessler says researchers are finding some of these injuries could be prevented if the athlete's hamstring was stronger.  The hamstring, quadriceps and calf muscle help to stabilize the knee.  If you can get your hamstring strength to be about 80% of your quad strength, that is optimal for both knee stabilization and speed development.  Proper landing technique is key to both to get the joint used to that type of impact and develop explosiveness.  To read what this Columbus, Ohio, speed trainer recommends you do to prevent knee injuries and increase your speed, click here:  Do Speed Training To Prevent Knee Injuries

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Melky Cabrera- First Cheater Or Last? Most Likely Neither

After failing 2 drug tests recently, there are probably a larger number of individuals that know who this years All-Star game MVP Melky Cabrera is.  With Cabrera's recent 50 game suspension, speed trainer, Adam Kessler, provides some insight on how athletes testosterone levels are tested and wonders why Cabrera would take a drug if there was potential for getting caught, and ultimately, suspended.  To see what this Columbus, Ohio, native has to say about performance enhancing drugs (PED's) and Cabrera's suspension, click here:  Melky Cabrera- First Cheater Or Last? Most Likely Not

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Remaining Fueled For August Football Practices

With football practices in full swing, Columbus, Ohio's, Adam Kessler, gives insight on how to remain hydrated, in what is typically the hottest month of the year.  With this years record breaking July temperatures and practices already occurring for most teams, your "heat training/conditioning" has already begun.   Remaining hydrated is a 24/7 job for football players in the heat.  Proper hydration includes eating to help avoid the nausea that occurs from low sugar levels.  Click here to see what this speed trainer suggests you do to have a successful August in preparation for your upcoming football season:  Remaining Fueled For August Football Practices

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Gold Medal Workout Of Olympian Ryan Lochte

Do swimmers need to do dry land workouts in conjunction with their water workouts to succeed?  Adam Kessler found that for Olympian, Ryan Lochte, the answer is yes.  This speed trainer found that Lochte not only puts in long hours in the pool, but also does 90 minutes to 3 hours of strongman training as well as an additional 3 hours during the week of conventional weight training.  To see what exercises this Columbus, Ohio trainer found that Lochte does to be an Olympic champion, click here:  Gold Medal Workout Of Olympian Ryan Lochte