
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Final Tallies Are In

Well, the ladies are finally done. The results were great to say the least. I'm going to discuss their measurements in more detail on a later post, but here is the general description of what happened.

Kelly Lee started at 384 pounds and is now down to 357.8. The body fat measurements we used couldn't get a reading for Kelly so unfortunately we don't have any of those numbers, but she feels great about this.

Michelle Lyons started at 316 pounds and is now down to 294. Her body fat changed slightly from 48% to 47.3% which means out of the 22 pounds she lost, 11.5 pounds of it was fat.

Morgan Murphy started at 176 and is now down to 168. Her body fat changed from 32.1% to 31.1% which means out of the 8 pounds she lost, 4.5 of it was from fat.

Understand that the body fat measurement is a rough approximation. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives us a general idea where they are at. When I post their measurements and you see the pictures you will be able to get a better idea of their weight loss.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Final Days Are Approaching

We had our last weekly meeting on Tuesday, December 9, before we did the final weigh-in, pictures, etc. The ladies are anxious to see how they have done, but the temptations of the dark side are becoming more prevalent in these festive holiday times. The biggest defense against that is preparation and organization which will hopefully put them in a situation where they aren't hungry and their discipline wains.

All three ladies felt that this has been a successful venture for them and the biggest idea they thought would help them was a food menu.

The question that couldn't be answered, at least for now, is when they were seeing results doing the right things, why sometimes they would have lapses of poor judgement and deviate from the health plan. If I had the answer to that question, I would be a millionaire.

The final weigh-in has been pushed to Tuesday, December 23. We will get all the pictures, weights, and measurements, and post the results on our blog as soon as possible. Here's for one more good week for them.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Like I Said..TRUST ME.

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone and this past Tuesday we had our weekly meeting with our 3 fitness studettes. There was tension in the air because we were going to weight them again to see if they had gained any weight over the holiday.

I won't keep you in suspense, but none of them gained any weight. In fact, one of them might have even lost a pound. NOT A SINGLE POUND GAINED.

Remember, them saying they were nervous they were going to pack the pounds on and fall off the wagon. I told them not to worry about it. It was just one day.

Two of them had two Thanksgivings to attend, but none of them skimped on the food. They ate what they wanted, but they did watch their portion size and everything was fine.

So what does this prove?? This proves that if you eat healthy and exercise on a consistent basis, you can handle your occasional cheat day, which for them was Thanksgiving.

So keep that in mind as we approach these holidays and their parties this December. Well, these ladies have three more weeks left. They are a little sad it is coming to an end, but eager to see what happens next.