
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Final Tallies Are In

Well, the ladies are finally done. The results were great to say the least. I'm going to discuss their measurements in more detail on a later post, but here is the general description of what happened.

Kelly Lee started at 384 pounds and is now down to 357.8. The body fat measurements we used couldn't get a reading for Kelly so unfortunately we don't have any of those numbers, but she feels great about this.

Michelle Lyons started at 316 pounds and is now down to 294. Her body fat changed slightly from 48% to 47.3% which means out of the 22 pounds she lost, 11.5 pounds of it was fat.

Morgan Murphy started at 176 and is now down to 168. Her body fat changed from 32.1% to 31.1% which means out of the 8 pounds she lost, 4.5 of it was from fat.

Understand that the body fat measurement is a rough approximation. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives us a general idea where they are at. When I post their measurements and you see the pictures you will be able to get a better idea of their weight loss.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Final Days Are Approaching

We had our last weekly meeting on Tuesday, December 9, before we did the final weigh-in, pictures, etc. The ladies are anxious to see how they have done, but the temptations of the dark side are becoming more prevalent in these festive holiday times. The biggest defense against that is preparation and organization which will hopefully put them in a situation where they aren't hungry and their discipline wains.

All three ladies felt that this has been a successful venture for them and the biggest idea they thought would help them was a food menu.

The question that couldn't be answered, at least for now, is when they were seeing results doing the right things, why sometimes they would have lapses of poor judgement and deviate from the health plan. If I had the answer to that question, I would be a millionaire.

The final weigh-in has been pushed to Tuesday, December 23. We will get all the pictures, weights, and measurements, and post the results on our blog as soon as possible. Here's for one more good week for them.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Like I Said..TRUST ME.

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone and this past Tuesday we had our weekly meeting with our 3 fitness studettes. There was tension in the air because we were going to weight them again to see if they had gained any weight over the holiday.

I won't keep you in suspense, but none of them gained any weight. In fact, one of them might have even lost a pound. NOT A SINGLE POUND GAINED.

Remember, them saying they were nervous they were going to pack the pounds on and fall off the wagon. I told them not to worry about it. It was just one day.

Two of them had two Thanksgivings to attend, but none of them skimped on the food. They ate what they wanted, but they did watch their portion size and everything was fine.

So what does this prove?? This proves that if you eat healthy and exercise on a consistent basis, you can handle your occasional cheat day, which for them was Thanksgiving.

So keep that in mind as we approach these holidays and their parties this December. Well, these ladies have three more weeks left. They are a little sad it is coming to an end, but eager to see what happens next.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Twas The Day Before Thanksgiving

The ladies are really getting nervous that their hard work will be all for naught. The trepidation is that they will undo all the good things they have accomplished these last 8 weeks all on one day. Thanksgiving!!

I don't think that will be the case, but we put this to the test. I got everyone on tape to announce their current weight and then explain what exactly they were fearing.

We will then tape them next Tuesday announcing their weight and explaining what happened and if their fears came true. I am really eager to find out the results. I believe that things will be alright and this case study will help prove to everyone else that Thanksgiving is just a day. You can splurge on that day if you have surrounded the other days with healthy eating and exercise.

Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Columbus Women Inspiring Weight Loss

Well, we started this program on September 15 and on Thursday, November 13, we took measurements to see how things were progressing. I have to say that things are progressing great and these women are really seeing changes. This will be the last time we take measurements until the final measurement taking the week of December 15.

Combined the ladies lost a total of over 45 pounds. A decent amount of that has been fat pounds which is really what we are striving for. They have all lost inches all over their body.

They are looking great, but more importantly feeling great. The nutrition is still the hardest part, but it becomes easier when they see the results that are happening.

We will be heading into the Thanksgiving holiday and the ladies are a bit nervous. The good thing will be that they head into these holidays having built up healthy habits. Thus, if they use the holidays for a cheat day or two, their bodies will be able to respond in a positive manner and rebound rather quickly.

It seemed like we just started this thing yesterday, but time has been flying by. We can't wait to show you the results, but for now just keep reading this and we'll keep you posted.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Changes Keep Coming

Our Terrific Trio had our weekly meeting on Thursday this past week. After the initial weeks of discussing nutrition and dealing with the issues related to nutrition, these recent weeks have just been reviewing the nutritional logs and answering any questions they might have.

This week, we took video of them and one of the questions that was asked of them was "Has the nutrition part of the program gotten easier and how have you adjusted?"

All of them said the nutrition has gotten a lot easier, but they do have their slip-ups. What was interesting was that now, they don't have the cravings as much as they used to. And when they do eat "crap" their bodies really respond in a negative way to it. They have a loss of energy, they get the gurgling in their stomach, and end up on the toilet a lot sooner.

What this means is that their bodies are responding great to the whole foods and positive nutrition that they have been eating and when they eat crap, the body doesn't tolerate it anymore.

Next week, we will take some more measurements. It will be about 3 months, so we will be interested to see what has changed. They're working hard and we can't wait to share the complete results with you.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This Is What I Like To Hear

Yesterday, we had our weekly meeting for our fitness participants and only two were able to make it, Michelle and Kelly. They said things were going GREAT and had these things to say:

Kelly was able to fit in a pair of jeans she hadn't fit in for over a year. She looked awesome and she was very excited about it. That and the fact her Penn State Nittany Lions just beat the Bucks. No one is perfect, so we still love you Kelly.

Michelle has lost 15 pounds in just 4 weeks of participating and said that her clothes were starting to feel baggy on her. She is a nurse and she said co-workers were noticing the looseness in her clothes and seeing it in her appearance.

That is wonderful!! Just what we want to hear. Let's keep up the good work and keep plugging away at it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Client Appreciation Event

I know that you heard a lot about this, but Friday, October 17, we had our first ever Client Appreciation Event. I just wanted to have a little gathering for our clients outside of when we see them in the training area.

We had a great turnout at the Champps in Easton. About 15 to 20 people showed up and everybody really seemed to enjoy it. I'm posting a few of the pictures from the event here.

Next time we hope to have even more people there. We had one former client and the rest were current clients. It was a great atmosphere and even if you didn't know anyone, you would be able to share "stories" with the other clients.

Thank you to everyone for coming out.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

First Measurements - Everyone's Holding Their Breath

This past Tuesday, we measured our participants for the first time since they were interviewed and started the program. Measurements were taken the week of September 8, and they started with us September 15.

Velma and I were a little nervous about doing this because if the measurements didn't go the right way, it could be disastrous for the program. But, we needed to know how things were progressing so we could adjust the program as necessary.

Needless to say, I think we had good results from this first measuring. Michelle continued to remind us that she has only been doing this for a week and a half, but she was already having good changes.

I'm not going to get specific for each individual, but combined the participants have lost a total of 17 plus pounds, lost around 25 inches, and decreased their bodyfat by about 3 or 4 percent. That is excellent seeing as how we have only gone about 4 weeks and safely an individual should be losing 1-2 pounds of fat a week.

All three participants were understandably excited and eager to continue on. Let's keep up the good work!!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

One Casualty

Just starting our third week and one of our participants removed herself from the program. Aigner Angel dismissed herself from the program for undisclosed reasons, so we are moving on. As of Thursday last week, we asked one of our alternates, Michelle Lyons, to jump in and she eagerly agreed.

Only a couple weeks behind our participants, there is still plenty of time in the program for her to start down that healthier path and start seeing physical changes.

Nutrition still seems to be the most challenging part of this program. But, our participants are noticing that it is easier to say no to those tempting unhealthy foods. When those cheat days come, the processed crap is starting to not taste as "wonderful" as it did before. That is a great sign. It will take the body still some more time to adapt to the healthier eating, but already we are seeing how it is rejecting the processed sugars and saturated fats in the unhealthier foods.

As stated before, it has only been a few weeks, but Morgan and Kelly have both noticed changes such as a drop in pants size and family member noticing a physical difference. That is AWESOME!!!

To get an idea the strategy of their fat loss program, you can attend our Understanding Fat Loss Seminar, this Wednesday, October 15 from 7pm to 8pm.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The First Part Is The Hardest Part

Our 3 female participants have hit the ground running. They are coming to our boot camps and trying to change to a healthier lifestyle.

Every week, the group meets with Velma and myself to discuss various topics that will help them succeed. Plus any other issues or concerns that they have about any part of the program. After a week and a half, the group was getting used to the workouts. The soreness was starting to go away, but the exercise was still kicking their butt.

The hardest part that all three agreed upon was changing their nutritional habits. Food can be so powerful and it takes a little bit of time for your body to adjust to something new. Eating healthier and properly eliminates the chance for your body to eat all those processed foods. You eliminate a lot of unwanted sugars, additives, and preservatives that in my opinion can be addicting.

Each one had their little battles they had to overcome i.e. cake, McDonald's, etc. But, for the first week and a half it was encouraging that they were eating more good meals than bad. They were feeling a little bit more energized and certain clothes were feeling a little better.

And really that is what is to be expected in a week and a half. These changes won't happen overnight. It will take time, but the crew is on their way to a good start.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

14 Week Fitness Project

As some of you might know, we decided to run a 14 week fitness project for females. We wanted to give 3 female participants the opportunity to participate in our program, completely free. Velma Garnes, formerly of Studio Temple in Gahanna, is assisting in this project where everything will be documented.

We had about 35 people fill out applications telling us why they think they should be part of this project. We had a lot of great applications and finally narrowed the list down to 8. The week of September 8, we interviewed all 8 participants. We took measurements, videotaped them answering questions, and put them through a light workout.

From there, we picked 5 finalists. Out of these finalists, we would be picking our 3 participants and 2 alternates. We had them go through a boot camp so they could get a taste of what the fitness demands would be like.

After going through this, we decided on the following ladies: Morgan Murphy, Kelly Lee, and Aigner Angel. Each one has a different story and they all have contrasting body types, which should be really beneficial for the project.

Which the goal of this project is to show that when following a proper exercise and nutrition program, females can lose weight safely and get healthier. All the participants have to attend 3 of our boot camps a week, follow our registered dietician recommended nutrition plan, and attend a weekly meeting a week. They are only allowed to miss 2 sessions (a session can be a weekly meeting or workout session).

As the weeks progress, I hope to put up more information about these ladies, how the project is going, and other tidbits that I hope you will find interesting.

Monday, September 01, 2008

I Think We're Losing The War

I was reading the article in our local paper that was suggesting just what my title states, but more specifically to Ohio. Ohio was the 15th obese state and has moved down to 17th. The obesity rate for Ohio is almost 27 percent. The article goes on to discuss how the problem really is getting worse and that policy to try and address the issue is lagging behind.

I've been in the fitness industry for over 15 years and I'm as passionate as I've ever been trying to help people get healthier, but I don't think this war against obesity can be won.

One of the big reasons is that it boils down to money. First of all the marketing for fruits and vegetables or healthy foods in general is something just short of $1 million dollars, while the marketing spent on fast foods and all the junk (pop, beer, candy, etc.) is 50 times that at least, maybe more.

The "crap" food industry makes tons of money and really controls a lot of sectors in our country. So, these are cheaper options than the healthier choices. In a time of convenience, ready made meals, people will get the cheapest, quickest option whether it is healthy or unhealthy.

So families who are on limited incomes and work multiple jobs don't have the time to prepare healthy meals and don't have the time to stay active and burn calories.

The biggest reason though, in my opinion, is that the majority of people just don't give a shit. They really don't. It is so much easier to eat what you want and deal with the consequences when they happen, then to workout, eat right, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It is easier to make excuses and not do anything than to put forth the effort and make a difference in your life.

It is frustrating and exhausting for me because really, my business should be filled to capacity. There are so many people who NEED our services AND can afford them, but they don't WANT to do it. What can I do? I can't make these people change their lifestyle.

All I can do is make sure I have all the systems in place so that when an individual does make the choice to get healthier, I know I can help them.

And I can help them!! I know I can!!

If you are willing to make the sacrifice, then let me help. Let's start right now by really turning our state around and get it out of the top 20 obese states. But, I want individuals who are really ready to make the change.

If you aren't ready, then I won't put up with you. I'm sorry to say that, but my time is precious and I want people who also want to make a change. If I'm going to give it my all, I expect it from you.

This time next year, I want to see a different headline in the paper, "Ohio has gained ground on the obesity war!!"

If you want to know how you can conquer this health epidemic, Click Here to read our report, 7 Steps to Skinny Jeans.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fruits and Vegetables Are The Secret To Success In School For Kids

By now, most of the kids have gone back to school. It is a brand new year and everyone starts off with a clean slate. So what can you do for your kids so that they can get the most out of their school year? Schools are getting a bad rap from the health community because they are cutting more physical education classes and they aren’t giving kids the healthiest choices to eat. That being said, one of the easiest things a parent can do to help their kids is to provide them with healthy food options, specifically fruits and vegetables.

Many kids routinely go through class each day sluggish and tired, but not necessarily as a result of lack of sleep. It sometimes is a result of poor nutritional habits. Many young kids are diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder), but what it really could be is a case of NDD (nutrition deficit disorder). Meals that kids eat that are nutritionally deficient are sabotaging them instead of making their brains strong and their bodies healthy.

The brain for better or worse is really affected by what we eat. With all the processed junk that is put in cereals, there is no wonder that so many kids acquire disorders and diseases. But, there are more studies out there that suggest that when kids eat healthier, they have a better attitude and get better grades. One reason is that the brain is made up of 60% fat and kids have a huge deficiency in Omega-3’s, the essential fatty acids.

The secret ingredient with Omega-3’s is DHA which is also found in breast milk. This is a big reason why researchers believe children who have been breastfed seem to be healthier and smarter. Omega-3’s can generally be found in seafood. Researchers have even suggested that kids take supplements to get the Omega-3’s since fish isn’t exactly a favorite for most kids.

Also, the concept of grazing has found to be beneficial not only for adults but for kids as well. This means that you are eating mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks and fruits and vegetables can be a big part of this. You keep calories in you, this keeps your metabolism high, and you are feeding your body power foods and not empty calories from the typical snacks that are given to kids. Ultimately, if kids can get 3-5 servings from the vegetable groups and 2-4 from the fruit groups, they’re going to be so much better off than the junk they normally eat.

If you want your kids to be attentive in school so that they can learn more, than the obvious step is to feed them fruits and vegetables. Healthy choices should be the only choices in the school cafeteria. It is not about whether the kids will eat it or not and let’s let them decide. In my opinion, our job as parents and role models is to make the choices for them until they are old enough and mature enough to make those decisions on their own. When it comes to food, that really isn’t until they go off to college. Give them fruits and vegetables and let’s get those kids healthier and smarter.

To acquire our FREE report on 7 Steps to Skinny Jeans, go to

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How Do The Swimmers Keep Breaking These Records?

The Olympics are in full swing right now and Michael Phelps is tearing up the pool. The guy has already won his 5th gold medal. He will probably break Mark Spitz's record of 7 golds won. He has already broken the record for most career gold medals won, surpassing Carl Lewis and someone else (I can't remember, it could be Spitz).

All that is great. But here is the question I would like someone to answer for me. Why is it these swimmers continue to break records all the time? There isn't a record broken once or twice, but every big swim meet records are falling.

I'm a track guy and I equate running like swimming. Pushing your body to the extreme, trying to go as fast as you can just using your body as the engine. But in track you don't see records falling like you do in swimming.

Currently, there are 34 events in track and field for the Men that they keep records for. 2 were set this year (100M and 110M hurdles), 1 last year, and 4 others this decade.

Swimming on the other hand has short course and long course records. I'm not familiar with what those mean, but there are 20 long course events for the Men. Every one of the world records was set this decade with all but three of them coming since 2005.

So, why does that happen. People have been swimming for years. Do those slick suits really help them glide through the water that much faster? Does the training just evolve so rapidly that new and better training methods pop up once every 6 months?

Now, if the training just keeps getting better, than why is it I looked at a local swimming club's records for its 8-18 year olds and found only a handful of the records set this year. A few in 2007, but most were set earlier this decade and the late nineties.

Something doesn't compute. Are the national level swimming coaches that much more knowledgeable than everyone else that they can keep getting the best out of their athletes?

Or, is there some extra help, such as what we have seen in baseball and track (begins with an 's' and rhymes with air-roids)?

I honestly don't know the answer, but here is what I want you to do. If you have knowledge of swimming tactics, are a swimming coach, or know a swimming coach you could forward this to, please do. I would like to know the answer.

I've always wanted to know why these swimming records keep getting broken.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tim Russert Sparking Up Debates

I had recently wrote an article in my e-newsletter Fitnews about Tim Russert's death. Here is a little caption of the article:

"As a health and fitness professional, I have to wonder if he was in good health. Did he have a family history of heart disease? Or was his weight, diet and exercise the contributing factors to his health?

I've helped hundreds of committed men and women lose weight, burn unwanted body fat, and increase strength. In addition to those goals, every single one of them makes that commitment for the long term health benefits as well. It's usually not top of mind unless you've just experienced a heart attack or some other sort of immediate risk. And seeing Tim pass so early in life should make you think. It should make you concerned.

You can reduce the chances of you having a heart attack. Are you taking those measures? It doesn't matter what age you are, you can start at 10 or at 50. Or are you taking a path that parallels Tim's?"

My email sparked a response from one of my subscribers who forwarded this link to me

- sorry link was too long to publish -

If you read the article, I guess I wasn't the only wondering about his health and if this could have been prevented.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Is This The Best Time Of The Year To Be A Sports Fan??

One could argue that last week and this week is potentially the best time of the year for sports. In my opinion no other time of year matches this period, with the amount of sports to be seen and the impact of those sports.

First, it is the beginning of April and everyone (at least everyone here in the midwest) is looking for any excuse for winter to be over. So if it is sunny and 55 degrees, we are running around outside like it is 80.

Second, look at the sporting events you have going on.

The Final Four - Whether you are watching the Men or the Women, this is a great event that people get geared up for. By this time, your brackets are either shot to pieces or your in the running for the cash. Regardless, you get two great games on a Saturday evening and then top it off with the finals on Monday.

Baseball Season Starts - Baseball isn't the king the way it used to be, but there is still plenty of excitement when these guys play on opening day. It is a true sign that summer is right around the corner.

The Masters - Usually, at the beginning of Masters week, is the NCAA finals. You get to wait two days and then arguably the greatest major in golf gets started. Rarely does Augusta not look inviting and waiting to see if Tiger will start his Grand Slam run is always fun.
Most of the time all three of these events happen in the same week. Because of the quirky scheduling this year, it didn't happen, but what a week.

I defy you to give me a better time frame that is better for sports. Something that hits the magnitude that all three of these events have. If you can think of a time frame or just plain agree with me, then go ahead and write on my blog.

Friday, February 29, 2008

What I Learned At The Arnold

If you live in Columbus, where I live, it is hard not to realize that this weekend is the Arnold Fitness Expo. I don't know what he officially calls it, but that is what I will call it. It started off as a bodybuilding competition in the eighties and has morphed into probably the biggest event in the fitness industry.

It boasts a bunch of sports that include bodybuilding, fitness competitions, powerlifting, weightlifting, mixed martial arts, gymnastics, fencing, and the list goes on. To find out when all these events are happening, go to

I don't go down to the Arnold that much anymore, unless a friend invites me or it's on Sunday (Saturday is pure MADNESS). It is just impossible to see everything that is going on there and it all seems to look the same after awhile.

One year, I had the opportunity to work security for the men's bodybuilding competition. This is what I took away from the event.

1. One of the few perks I had being security was that I got a free picture with Arnold (I will post that at some point). He is a good 3 inches shorter than me and I'm 6'1".

2. He can really ramble on and talk about nothing when he wants to.

3. Most competitive bodybuilders are really short.

4. There are a segment of bodybuilders that really don't care much for Arnold. Yeah, I can understand that, he only elevated bodybuilding to the levels that it is today. (note the sarcasm)

5. For $5.50 an hour, there was no way I was going to stand in the way of any bodybuilders in the audience, who might all of the sudden fly into a roid rage and want to rush the stage.

6. Maria (Arnold's wife. You know, one of the Kennedy's.) didn't really seem to be too interested in what was going on.

The bodybuilding event is something to see once, but not twice.

Those are some nice little tidbits about my Arnold experience working the security. I do recommend to go down to the expo if you have never been there before. There is something for everyone and it is a sight to behold.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What If You Aren't To Blame For Your Weight Problems?

Anyways, I've been saving this rant for a week and a half, when I first saw it in the paper, so here goes.

There is a growing theory out there that our society is to be blamed for our ever-expanding waist line. This theory is even picking up steam with health and nutrition experts. The theory states that food manufacturers and marketers, store managers, restaurant operators, and food vendors are the ones that put all those tasty, yet unhealthy, foods in front of us on a daily basis.

Some people may argue that those individuals aren't forcing people to eat all those foods. Yes, that is a strong point, but what you don't realize is that eating is triggered by environmental cues that many people don't realize or simply can't ignore. For example, the smell of fresh baked cookies means you have to eat a dozen of them.

To control this, we need to institute laws that will regulate portion size, limit access to ready-to-eat foods, and curbing food advertising.

So, let me get this straight. You need to have "big brother" instill a law to control my eating habits?? Now I've heard everything. This is just another example of how our society wants to shirk responsibility and blame someone else.

This is just like when parents get called into school for a teacher's meeting. Before, it was "what did my child do and how should I punish him." Now, it is "what did you do to my child to make him do these things."


The article suggests that people can control their eating, but only for so long. I have talked with many dieticians, such as our new R.D. Amber Wilson, and I don't know a one who is saying don't eat much. A lot are saying eat frequently throughout the day and if you eat the right foods, you won't have problems. You would really have to eat a lot of healthy foods to develop a weight problem, but most people don't think like that.

They try to eat smaller portions of the nutritiously challenged crap they always eat and their body says feed me, because you didn't do a good job the first time. If you were to eat healthy, and frequently throughout the day, your body wouldn't react like that.

But go ahead. Let's blame society for our problem. It isn't you. And while we are at it, let's look at the many people who don't have a weight problem and view them as freaks. They have some special power that blocks all those environmental cues to eat candy and the such. That has to be it.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

How To Keep From Getting A Broken Heart On Valentine's Day

With Valentine's Day approaching next week, I thought I would discuss some tips and techniques for getting a strong heart, thus avoiding a "broken heart."

The first thing you want to do is start an exercise program. You should do both cardiovascular and resistance training, but the cardio really strengthens that heart. If you can do 30 minutes of moderate activity daily, it can do several things for your heart:

1. It will improve your heart function
2. It will lower your blood pressure
3. It will lower cholesterol
4. It will give you more energy

Those are all great things and can greatly reduce the chances of you acquiring heart disease.

The other thing that will really help get your heart strong, essentially by not decaying it, is eating a well-balanced diet. You want a diet that is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt, and high in fruits, vegetables, grains, and fibers.

It doesn't have to be like that all the time. You can still take in your occasional indulgences, but most of the time it should be balanced to off-set those fun foods you like to eat.

If you can do those first two things, it will really help you control your blood pressure and cholesterol. Those items shouldn't be out of whack if you do the exercise and diet, thus not hurting your heart. You will then want to avoid smoking and if you do smoke, STOP!! Smoking adds to the hardening of your arteries thus improving your chances of a heart attack.

So those little tidbits won't help with your sweetheart's Valentine's Day gift, but it will help you enjoy other Valentine's Days for many years to come. Please feel free to post your comments, no matter how much you agree or disagree.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

LeBron James - The Complete Package

Once every so often there comes an athlete that transcends the ages. An athlete that is blessed with such God-given ability, everyone is jealous. An athlete that if he/she works hard can become one of the top players in his sport.

LeBron James is that athlete.

If you talk about who is the best player in basketball, LeBron James is in your top five. You throw in Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, and any two players you want. If you look at the pure athleticism of these athletes, I feel that LeBron James is the complete package.

I'm not talking about dribbling, defense, outside J's, I'm talking about strength, speed, power.

Strength - LeBron is a physical specimen. The guy is what, 22 years old, and is built like a tank. He looked like this when he was in high school. Can you imagine taking your average high schooler, looking at LeBron, and telling him to defend him. Because of his size, he can take the pounding that is dished out in the NBA. His strength allows him to be able to complete 3 point plays on a routine basis. His strength will let him bull his way right into the lane and finish the play. As far as strength goes, he is right at the top of the list.

Speed Without The Ball - People forget that LeBron was an all-state wide receiver in high school. He can flat out get down the court. He routinely out races his defenders for the alley oop.

Speed With The Ball - This is the area that is probably most impressive. A lot of people are fast without the ball, but with the ball they can be caught. Not LeBron. You get him leading the fastbreak, and he can go coast to coast in the blink of an eye. I think only Steve Nash and Jason Kidd are faster with the ball, and they're point guards. LeBron is the size of Karl Malone and gets down the court with the ball faster than everyone in the league. With his strength and piling up a head of steam, you better get out of his way.

Quickness - LeBron is quick as a cat. He can shake and bake with the best of them and leave people in the dust.

Explosiveness - This guy can flat out leap and get up in a hurry. He looks down on the rim as he goes to dunks. Incredible.

If you can give me a better "complete" athlete, then I want to you to tell me. This article will be posted on my blog at Go to it and make your case.

Health Studies, And What The Real Message Is To Women

Recently, two reports have come out that have contradicted longtime health practices. These practices are that if you take calcium pills and vitamin D it will prevent broken bones and if you maintain a low-fat diet it will prevent heart disease and breast and colon cancer. The studies said that they could find no significant evidence that either of those health practices would truly work.

The leaders of the studies wanted to clarify though that this by no means indicates they are endorsing a reckless lifestyle. They aren't saying that if you are taking supplements or following a low-fat diet, to heck with it because it won't help.

Continue what you are doing if you are following the low-fat diet and if you aren't, you should. The studies' findings statistically said that there wasn't enough of a reduction of risk to be classified as significant, but there was a reduction. Hmmm..that makes absolutely perfect sense. (insert sarcasm)

I think that nutrition and supplements are just one piece of the puzzle. One piece alone might not make a significant difference, but if you add in the other pieces (strength training, cardiovascular, healthy living, a happy life) it could make the big difference to prevent those preventable diseases.

Besides, what about all the other good things leading that kind of healthy lifestyle does for you. I.E. Lower your blood pressure, reduce the chances of getting diabetes, lower your body fat, etc. Is it worth it to change that just because a study said it MIGHT not make a difference? I don't think so. I will be posting the article on my website at and look under current fitness news.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

If You Desire Fat Loss, Beware Of The Scammers

Yesterday, there was an article in our local paper on a topic that needed to be brought to your attention. Weight-loss scams have been going on for years and last year was no different. It was the #1 consumer scam according to the Federal Trade Commission.

4.8 million consumers were victims of fraud last year. Why so many??

Because there are over 100 million people considered overweight in our country. As a result, weight loss products bring in a whopping $55 BILLION a year.

Consumers should be aware of any "miracle" claims by companies of weight loss products. Anything too good to be true, probably is.

Here are a few companies that the Better Business Bureau says have an unsatisfactory rating:

Metacor Labs or Progenics, Inc.
Wu-Yi Source
Changes International Inc.

Not all weight loss products are scams, but if they make the following claims, then buyer beware:

1. There's no scientific evidence that the product promoted weight loss.

2. The product promises to reduce fat or cellulite in specific areas (nothing does this. You can't spot reduce. You burn equal amounts of fats in all the fat deposit stores in your body. The place where you have the most amount of fat will take the longest to burn away).

3. The product promises weight loss without exercise or proper nutritional intake.

4. The company promises large advanced payments or long-term contracts.

People desire weight loss so bad that they are blinded by the facts. If it promises 30 pounds lost in 30 days, people believe it. This makes my job harder and harder to try and convince people this isn't the way. That one person you connect with and loses weight the right way makes it all worth while. The joy, happiness, and self confidence inspires me and trainers such as myself to take on this battle of the bulge and try to help that next person out there.

So beware of that next great weight loss product. The only loss could be the money from your pocket.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"Add Years To Your Life By Being Healthy" - There's A Shocker

Here's How To Add 14 Years To Your Life

A recent article in my local newspaper began with the above title. It was a study from London and the findings were if you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, don't smoke, exercise regularly, and drink alcohol in moderation, you can add 14 extra years to your life.

Basically, the testers tracked around 20,000 people in the UK and for each of the four qualities I just mentioned gave them a point. So, if you did all four, you would have four points. These were based on questionnaires given to the participants between 1993 and 1997.

Then they tracked the deaths of the people through 2006 and found that if you had a total of 4 points you were 4 times less likely to die, then if you scored zero.

The researchers said that the 14 years was a theoretical number, but the overall point is if you can maintain a healthy lifestyle you potentially can live a better life than if you don't.

I appreciate the work these researchers put into this study, but wake up people. This is what I and fitness professionals like me have been preaching. What the heck are you waiting for? Don't procrastinate, get your butt in gear.

It's the beginning of the year, get rid of all your excuses, and get in shape. My ears are starting to hurt from the excuses. I don't want to hear them any more. Improve your lifestyle today and take control of your life.

If you are too tired to work out, then start working out so you won't be tired.

If you have no energy, then start working out.

If you are too depressed, then start working out and get your endorphins going through your body.

I know the key to handling stress and getting through life, it is exercise and nutrition.

I get seven hours sleep if I'm lucky. I start my day at 6am and I'm done at 8pm. I take my daughter to school, then have to deal with the pressures of running a business. So when you tell me you are too busy, have too much stress, whatever...I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!

I have problems too, but exercise helps me get through the day and survive these problems. I'm not as tired because I work out, eat right, and I am able to handle the stress easier because of it.

You can do the same thing. Let's make 2008 your best year yet!


Our clients have really been excited about our new supplement product line with Advocare. People who have wanted to start the New Year off right, have started with our 10 Day Herbal Cleanse program. It is a great way to clear your body of its toxins and prep it for fat loss.

Go to and read about the products in this program: Herbal Cleanse, Omegaplex, the Fruit and Vegetable Formula, and Spark.

If you want to get on the program asap, you can order it from our site. Let me know you ordered it and I can forward you a handout that will give you the guidelines on utilizing the 10 Day Cleanse appropriately and foods that will complement the program.
