
Monday, August 01, 2011

Top Ten Speed Drills To Help You Run Faster

Being a speed training coach, people will frequently ask me what my favorite drills are for developing ones speed and/or running. I finally stopped long enough to think about and narrow down what my favorite top ten running drills would be. The drills discussed in today's list are a mix of ones I use with my clients in Columbus, Ohio, for developing speed and explosiveness plus honing the athlete's running mechanics. If ones running mechanics stink, then these drills are meaningless. If I had an athlete that was wanting to improve his/her running and I was limited to only ten exercises, here is the list of drills I would use:

  1. 1 Leg Horizontal Jumps – Essentially, these are like doing a triple jump, except you never hop on the other leg. This drill is for a more mature athlete because of the demand that is placed on the leg. Running is a technique of single leg explosions, so that is why this is on my list. I usually have my athlete jump 4 times (jumping and landing on the same leg), making sure they stick the landing with a nice knee and hip flexion and soft landing on the ball of the foot. I will then do some rapid fire jumps as well.
  2. High Knee Jump Ropes – I love this drill. This could have been my number one. It develops speed, hand/eye coordination, plus it puts your legs in very similar positions you will find when you are sprinting. The athlete jumps rope alternating feet with a high knee action. I usually start them off jumping rope on one leg to develop the strength, then do a simple alternating style, then try the high knee. It really develops those fast twitch fibers.
  3. Hurdle Jumps – One of the big mechanical issues I see with runners is a slow frequency rate (or the leg turnover quick). Sometimes due to lack of strength, hurdle jumps helps that out. I start at a conservative height and set four of them up. The athlete has to jump over all four without hitting the hurdles and do it quickly. Those knees go up and the heel fires up to the butt, just like trying to run fast. The speed and leg turnover is improved with this drill.
  4. Walking Lunge – This is a great drill to do with younger runners. It develops core strength, coordination between the opposite arm and leg, strength, and balance with the legs. You step forward with one leg and lunge down so the back knee almost touches the ground. Keep your opposite arm in a good L shape and in running position. When the knee almost touches you explode up and step forward with that back leg while switching arms (keeping that opposite arm/leg action you have when you run). Keep the torso nice and tight, don’t lean forward. Doing that will help you develop good core strength.
  5. TRX Sprinting In Place – Obviously, you need access to a TRX suspension unit, but this is a very similar drill to the jump ropes. You lean forward holding the TRX in your hands with the straps under your arms. Your feet are behind you and your body is at a 75 degree angle. If you were to let go, you would fall down. Start running in place (high knees) as fast as you can, staying upright, and keeping that angle. Great for the body to feel that acceleration phase and the rapid fire foot contacts.

That is the first part of my top ten list. On Thursday, I will finish up this topic and you will have ten great exercises that you can utilize to improve your speed.

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