
Friday, February 29, 2008

What I Learned At The Arnold

If you live in Columbus, where I live, it is hard not to realize that this weekend is the Arnold Fitness Expo. I don't know what he officially calls it, but that is what I will call it. It started off as a bodybuilding competition in the eighties and has morphed into probably the biggest event in the fitness industry.

It boasts a bunch of sports that include bodybuilding, fitness competitions, powerlifting, weightlifting, mixed martial arts, gymnastics, fencing, and the list goes on. To find out when all these events are happening, go to

I don't go down to the Arnold that much anymore, unless a friend invites me or it's on Sunday (Saturday is pure MADNESS). It is just impossible to see everything that is going on there and it all seems to look the same after awhile.

One year, I had the opportunity to work security for the men's bodybuilding competition. This is what I took away from the event.

1. One of the few perks I had being security was that I got a free picture with Arnold (I will post that at some point). He is a good 3 inches shorter than me and I'm 6'1".

2. He can really ramble on and talk about nothing when he wants to.

3. Most competitive bodybuilders are really short.

4. There are a segment of bodybuilders that really don't care much for Arnold. Yeah, I can understand that, he only elevated bodybuilding to the levels that it is today. (note the sarcasm)

5. For $5.50 an hour, there was no way I was going to stand in the way of any bodybuilders in the audience, who might all of the sudden fly into a roid rage and want to rush the stage.

6. Maria (Arnold's wife. You know, one of the Kennedy's.) didn't really seem to be too interested in what was going on.

The bodybuilding event is something to see once, but not twice.

Those are some nice little tidbits about my Arnold experience working the security. I do recommend to go down to the expo if you have never been there before. There is something for everyone and it is a sight to behold.

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