
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

One Casualty

Just starting our third week and one of our participants removed herself from the program. Aigner Angel dismissed herself from the program for undisclosed reasons, so we are moving on. As of Thursday last week, we asked one of our alternates, Michelle Lyons, to jump in and she eagerly agreed.

Only a couple weeks behind our participants, there is still plenty of time in the program for her to start down that healthier path and start seeing physical changes.

Nutrition still seems to be the most challenging part of this program. But, our participants are noticing that it is easier to say no to those tempting unhealthy foods. When those cheat days come, the processed crap is starting to not taste as "wonderful" as it did before. That is a great sign. It will take the body still some more time to adapt to the healthier eating, but already we are seeing how it is rejecting the processed sugars and saturated fats in the unhealthier foods.

As stated before, it has only been a few weeks, but Morgan and Kelly have both noticed changes such as a drop in pants size and family member noticing a physical difference. That is AWESOME!!!

To get an idea the strategy of their fat loss program, you can attend our Understanding Fat Loss Seminar, this Wednesday, October 15 from 7pm to 8pm.

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