
Thursday, January 07, 2010

How To Get Back Into Your Exercise Program Without Killing Yourself

Well, it is that time of year where people start remembering where the gym is. They get that mapquest out and learn the quickest route back to the gym. Most people starting back have been out of commission for around a month now (I'm being generous), so consequently their bodies are a little out of shape.

That being said, you want to make sure that you approach your newly inspired workout regimen smartly. You don't want to overdo it and injure yourself in the first week. Thus, sabotaging any efforts on your part to get back on track with your exercise plan.

With that in mind, I'm providing these helpful hints to starting on the right foot. The first 30 days are the most crucial to any workout program. If you can maintain consistency through those 30 days and see some initial results, there is a good chance you will be able to continue on with your exercise and then see some REAL gains.

1. Expect soreness, but not a body lockdown. Basically, this means that no matter how conservative you approach your exercise program, there will be some soreness. Yes, it might be tough to move your limbs and they may be sore to the touch, but that is normal. What you don't want to have happen is the following:

Case Study - I was working a lady out whose sister was shadowing us. The sister kept piping in about how she had done this before and how she had done that before, but she hadn't worked out with a trainer in over a year and had put on 30 pounds. She asked me to work her out the next day. She wanted to do her legs and I started off with the leg press. I wanted to be conservative, but she insisted we throw on more weight than what her body was ready for. (I was a young trainer so I let her have her way. That wouldn't happen today.) Long story short, she did leg press, lunges, leg extension, and leg curls. 3 sets of 10 reps each at a pretty heavy weight for all of them. Two days later I get a call from her and she can't move her legs. Walking up and down steps was impossible. I told her the pain would subside, but she had to give it time. It took her nearly a week to recover. This leads me to my next point.

2. Whatever exercise program you are starting, be conservative. If you haven't been lifting in over 30 days, I probably would only do 2 sets of whatever exercise you are doing and high reps (10 - 12). Don't pick the weight you were doing when you were competing for the American Gladiators. Pick a weight that is comfortable for you to get the reps, not easy, but comfortable. You can gradually increase during your next workout.

3. Be realistic with your first 30 day health goal. You can't lose 30-50 pounds in 30 days. You aren't on the Biggest Loser. You are in real life. Safely, an individual should lose 1-2 pounds of bodyfat a week and if you are starting back that is what you should shoot for. Don't worry about being "perfect" with your exercise program. Just try to be better than what you were before.

4. Work your exercise program into your schedule at a time you know you can be consistent with. Exercise should become as routine as brushing your teeth, but to get there you first must start working out at a time that works into your schedule. If you workout at a time that causes you unnecessary stress then you will be more likely to quit your routine.

5. If you are unsure where to start, hire a trainer. A good trainer should be able to get you on a program that you could do on your own. The longer you are with a trainer, the faster you should see results though. The trainer will know how to push you, when to push you, and when to make adjustments. The trainer will also provide consistent accountability that sometimes you just can't get when you train with a buddy.

6. Once you start, you can gradually increase the intensity over time. You should only have soreness for the first week or so. After that, you can then start gradually increasing your intensity and pushing yourself with your exercises, either by increasing the weight or adding sets.

Those are some simple tips to help you get started. Ultimately, though it will boil down to you and your commitment. The benefits of exercise are too numerous to mention and what better time than now to start taking advantage of them. Remember, you can persevere and achieve your health goals. Many people are doing it so why can't you. Just do it!!

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