
Sunday, October 24, 2010

5 Ways Eating Better Will Help Your Daily Life

I am a firm believer that nutrition is the key to correcting a lot of life's little problems. We have become so reliant on fast foods and processed foods that we are not getting a lot of the proper nutrients into our bodies. Eating better is a big key when I talk with my clients who want to lose weight. It also plays a part in these 5 items in your life that you might want to pay attention to.

1. Energy - You have seen the ads for 5-Hour Energy or whatever other energy is out there. You know why you need extra energy, because you aren't filling up your energy stores to begin with. Bottom line is food is important because it provides us with fuel for our body. We need a decent amount of food to make it run properly. These low calorie diets provide you with barely any energy. That is like filling up a car with 1/8 of a tank of gas and expecting it to run forever. Eventually, it will just quit and then bad things happen. That is the same with our body. Without food, you can't keep your energy levels up. With food, you will not need any extra 5-hour energy stuff unless you are driving cross-country. If you do need that extra energy burst, ask me about Advocare's Spark. The best product you probably have never heard of.

2. Sleepy During The Day - This falls in line with the "energy" point made above, but a lot of this is related to what you are eating at lunch. Once again, they feel they need the energy drinks to boost them up. Really, they just need to eat a balanced lunch of good carbs, protein, and veggies. This keeps the blood sugar level even steven, unlike a lot of people's normal lunch of either too few calories or very carbohydrate heavy lunches. The carb heavy lunches are usually comprised of a lot of processed sugars, this will cause the big rise in sugar levels, insulin is secreted to get rid of the sugars, it takes all the sugar out of your bloodstream, thus you have the energy crash. Then you want to sleep. Eat balanced and you will be fine.

3. Maintain Your Focus - They have done studies at schools where they exchanged the normal lunches in the cafeteria with healthier choices that also have fruits and vegetables. What they have found is that kids who were deemed ADD or had issues at the school, were suddenly starting to focus better. They were getting better grades and doing their work better. Just think what it can do in your life. Good carbohydrates are fuel to your brain and spinal cord and keep you mentally alert.

4. Help Control Allergies - I picked up allergies when I was 21. Every spring and fall my eyes would itch and I would have this stuffed up nose that would kick up morning and night. When I met my wife, her father was a physician so I would get samples of Allegra to help me out. When I hit 30, I decided to implement more fruits and vegetables into my diet, eat better carbohydrate choices, and have a multi-vitamin. The result has been that I barely notice my allergies and haven't used allegra in the last 9 years. I don't think it is a coincidence that the nutrients in those foods have helped to control my allergies. I'm not saying it will help you against your allergy towards cats, it might. I don't know what I was allergic to, possibly ragweed, but I don't seem to have those symptoms anymore and maybe it will have the same effect for you too.

5. Don't Get Colds or Sicknesses As Often - It seems the worse thing I acquire is a cold. It might last 2-3 days then start to subside. Colds don't hit me as long as they hit the rest of my family. I also haven't been sick in years. I think a lot of that is due to nutrition. Getting the right nutrients in to help build my immune system.

When it comes to health and fitness, exercise does take added time throughout the day to do, but we have to eat. We all take time to eat daily and if we don't we will cease to exist. Start planning on making good choices to eat and these extra benefits can help you too.

1 comment:

Eric Ransom said...

You make it sound so easy! I guess maybe it is. Thanks for some good ideas on keeping the energy level up.