
Friday, March 04, 2011

Easy Nutritional Tips for National Nutrition Month

I bet you didn't know this, but March is National Nutrition Month. I suppose it has something to do with trying to eat healthier or something like that (positive thinking from mister fitness here). Anyways, let's go with it. Here are some quick tips you can utilize today to make sure you are eating as healthy as possible:

  1. Keep A Food Log - It's amazing how better people eat when they see all the junk they are cramming down their mouth. Keep track of what you ate, what time it was, how you were feeling before and after you were eating to get the best results out of your food log.
  2. Plan Ahead - I don't know how many times I tell my clients to do this, but if you plan ahead then you have a much better chance of sticking with your healthy game plan.
  3. Shop Smart at the Store - Eat something before you go, so you don't start grabbing every little thing in sight. Take a list and stick with it. I'm sure you have heard this as well, shop the perimeter of the store and avoid the crap down the isles (or as best you can).
  4. Try To Eat Healthy Away From Home - This is tough, but pack your own lunches. Take healthy snacks with you so you don't give in to any cravings. If you are eating out, try to avoid fried foods.
  5. Save Time - Kind of goes along with planning ahead, but if you make dishes that can be refrigerated and reheated again during the week, that would be ideal. Make these when you have down time, like the weekend.
  6. Be a Healthy Family - Don't be that person that says, my kids don't like eating healthy or my husband refuses to eat well. Get everyone on board. Sure you can't be perfect all the time, but eat well most of the time and you'll do alright. So when you have that pizza with the family, you will know that your other meals throughout the week will be healthy and you can enjoy the pizza guilt-free.

Eating healthy is important for everyone. Whether you are trying to lose weight or gain weight. Trying to lower your blood pressure or get control of diabetes. Whether you are an athlete looking to have a good game or building muscle, eating healthy is a must and can truly be to your advantage. Learn more about healthy nutrition this month.

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