
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Columbus Women Inspiring Weight Loss

Well, we started this program on September 15 and on Thursday, November 13, we took measurements to see how things were progressing. I have to say that things are progressing great and these women are really seeing changes. This will be the last time we take measurements until the final measurement taking the week of December 15.

Combined the ladies lost a total of over 45 pounds. A decent amount of that has been fat pounds which is really what we are striving for. They have all lost inches all over their body.

They are looking great, but more importantly feeling great. The nutrition is still the hardest part, but it becomes easier when they see the results that are happening.

We will be heading into the Thanksgiving holiday and the ladies are a bit nervous. The good thing will be that they head into these holidays having built up healthy habits. Thus, if they use the holidays for a cheat day or two, their bodies will be able to respond in a positive manner and rebound rather quickly.

It seemed like we just started this thing yesterday, but time has been flying by. We can't wait to show you the results, but for now just keep reading this and we'll keep you posted.

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