
Friday, March 26, 2010

Awesome Leg and Butt Workout Guaranteed To Shape Them

This workout I'm going to discuss I can't take credit for. I saw this workout awhile back in Men's Health magazine I think. But I have implemented it into my program with both my athletes and wellness clients and it gets great results. Of course, this is after the soreness subsides and you regain feeling back in your legs. Just kidding...well maybe not.

In all seriousness, if you have some sort of joint issue, you might want to skip this routine, but if you don't and you can get through the first workout, it will really shape up those legs all the way through to the glutes.

Here are your four exercises:

1. Speed Squats
2. Lunges
3. Split Squat Jumps
4. Squat Jumps

This is all done with your bodyweight, no extra weight is needed. I will definitely have to make a video of this so you can see it in action.

So you will start with 24 speed squats. Make sure your form is correct, keep the back tight, get the top of the thigh parallel, and go as fast as possible. You must go the full range of motion. You will then rest 1 minute.

As soon as a minute is up, you will start 24 lunges (12 lunges on each leg). You will alternate, stepping forward and pushing back to the starting position, then alternate the leg. Full range of motion is important here as well. Then rest a minute.

Now you will start 24 split squat jumps (12 on each leg). This is what usually gets everybody. You will start in a split squat position, with one leg in front and one leg behind on the ball of the foot (kind of like a squat position). You will lower your leg down until the back knee almost touches the ground, then explode up into the air, switching leg positions, landing with the opposite leg forward. Repeat for repetitions. Rest 1 minute upon completion.

Finally, you want to do 12 squat jumps. Squat down low like you did with the speed squats, then jump up as high as you can. When you land, fall right back into a squat and repeat.

That is one set. You will then rest for 3 minutes and repeat the entire set.

If not by the end of the first set, definitely by the end of the second, your legs will feel shot. You'll probably be sore the next several days, but that is a good thing. Walking funny can be expected. Once the soreness subsides, this will be a breeze.You will want to do this 1-2 times a week. As you get better, you just decrease your rest time and you can increase the number of sets to 3 or 4.

I'm telling you, this is a great leg and butt workout. You will really feel it in your legs and they will get stronger and leaner as time progresses. You will hate me after the first workout, but once you are getting complements on your legs, you will forget all about me and take all the credit for yourself. Just kidding!

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