
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle Just By Eating Alone

Awhile back I had talked about one of my clients who was needing to lose weight. He came to us in October and I think I discussed it mid to late December. Well, I have some incredible news on his progress.

My client's name is Andy and in 4.5 months he has lost 32.5 pounds. WHICH IS AWESOME!! He has gone from 276 to 243.5.

His bodyfat has dropped from 44% to 31.7%.

This means that his fat mass went from 121.4 lbs. to 77 lbs. Which means he has lost 44.4 POUNDS FROM FAT!!

Consequently, his lean muscle mass went from 154.6 lbs. up to 166.5 lbs. An increase of 11.9 pounds and why the scale weight reflects a 32.5 pound drop and not a 44.4 pound drop. Now how is that possible??

I'll explain that in a moment, but I wanted to tell you that Andy was kind enough to let me interview him on tape. The physical differences are amazing. I am putting together a 4 minute teaser video that will be up on my blog shortly. It is pretty insightful, but I say teaser because the entire video will be used as an extra bonus for my new fat loss program I will be offering shortly. He has some great tips on how he was able to drop those pounds with just food alone.

Now, how did he gain muscle without lifting any weights? I, of course, have encouraged him to start exercising, but at least he is following the nutritional formula.

I have always stated that I don't care about how much weight a person loses, I care about what kind of weight that person is losing. I have seen clients lose 30 pounds, but it is mostly water and muscle and not fat. They probably were on some low calorie diet where they had to starve themselves. 9 times out of 10 they ended up gaining the weight back and then some.

I also have said, that in order to burn fat you need to eat. I have never discouraged people from eating. I want you to eat a lot, it's just you have to know what you are putting in your mouth. Because my low calorie dieters didn't eat enough calories to allow their body to burn fat, they ended up tricking their body into thinking it was starving. When that happens, your body stores fat because it is emergency energy and uses muscle for energy. Muscle weighs more than fat, thus your scale weight drops, but your metabolism slows down.

We figured out Andy needed to eat 2450 calories a day to burn fat. That was what his body needed to get the energy it required and burn fat. And as you can see the proof is in the pudding.

Now, exactly what Andy was eating and how he planned his days is all in the video, but let me tell you this. His weight loss was exactly how it is supposed to go, nice and gradual. And get this, his doctor said that if he can lose another 25 pounds, he will take him off of his blood pressure medications. THAT WILL BE A GREAT DAY!!

So congratulations to Andy. Once I post his video on the blog (it is just a teaser - like I said the entire video will be a bonus for purchasing my new fat loss program), you can take a look for yourselves. Hopefully, this will inspire some of you out there, that this does work and that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

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