
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

How Total Wellness Effected My Health Screening

Recently, I had to get a health screening for my insurance. It had something to do with giving us credit towards our flexible spending account. I'm not really sure, I just went because my wife told me (which guys, as you know is something we just do sometimes).

But that isn't the point of this article. The point is to go over my results to illustrate how this total wellness process (exercise and eating right) works.

First, they took my blood pressure, which the number doctors would like to see is 120/80. I checked in that morning at 116/73. So that looked good.

The machine that took my blood pressure also took my resting heartrate which registered at 68. Now for my age that is considered above average, but understand, resting heartrate is most accurate if taken right when you wake up in the morning. I had been up for several hours and already exercised, so mine actually might be a little lower. It isn't an entirely accurate way of gauging health, but they do say if your resting heartrate is over 84 that might be dangerous.

So next was my blood work. This was going to be interesting to me because a few years back my father had to have a stint put in due to some blockage. Consequently, I was told I need to watch the cholesterol levels because of the genetic factor.

My Triglycerides came out at 138, which anything under 150 is considered normal. 150-199 is borderline high. 200-499 is considered high and greater than or equal to 500 is considered very high. If this number gets high, then it can raise your risk for heart disease, diabetes, or stroke.

My total cholesterol is 150, which anything below 200 is desirable. 200-239 is borderline high and greater than or equal to 240 is considered high. Keeping the number low will help prevent blockage in your arteries that can lead to strokes and heart disease.

My HDL, which is the good cholesterol, was 45 which is near optimal. Below 40 is low, 40-59 is near optimal, and greater than or equal to 60 is high. I would like to see my HDL's a little higher, but this will suffice for now.

My Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio was 3.3. An average risk is 5.0. A 1/2 average risk is 3.4 and 2 times an average risk is 9.4. So I was good here.

My LDL (the bad cholesterol) was 77, which anything under 100 is optimal. 100-129 is near/above optimal. 130-159 is borderline high. 160-189 is high and greater than or equal to 190 is very high. Basically, keep the LDL's low and the HDL's high.

Finally, my glucose level in my blood was 75 which I guess was fine. The report didn't say anything good or bad which I assume if it was bad they would have said something.

So all-in-all I seem to be doing pretty good. And this could be you too! Exercising and eating healthy (not all the time but most of the time) helps keep everything in check to make sure my body functions the way it is supposed to. Following this type of lifestyle will increase the chances that I will continue to get to do the things I enjoy doing as I grow older.

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