
Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The 6 January Mistakes

In January, it seems that EVERYONE is either on a diet or they know someone on a diet. Either that..... or they are working out like crazy trying to stick to a New Year's Resolution. Statistics show that most people will fall off the wagon by January 21st. Sad, but, true. People try (they REALLY try) to stick to their resolution and they try HARD to change their lives and finally get back into shape.

I believe that the reason that most people fail is not because of effort, or good intentions, but because they are attempting to change with the wrong "technology". Trying to open your car door with your house key just does not work.

Accordingly to Phil Kaplan (renowned fitness educator ), there are 6 mistakes that people make in January when they are trying to get in shape. Read on and see if you recognize any of them.

1. People go on diets

No matter how Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig tries to position their products, they are still putting people on calorie restrictive diets. Some programs sell a 30 day "cleanse" where you drink shakes instead of eating meals (cutting calories). When you take in fewer calories then your body needs to maintain metabolism, you lose weight. The weight that you lose is water, some fat.... and muscle. Doing this is a guarantee that you will slow your metabolism and that you will make your body BETTER at regaining and storing fat. Not exactly what you want for the long run. It has nothing to do with willpower.... it's biochemistry. The solution is to learn to eat meals that are supportive of metabolism and contain adequate nutrients (and calories) to maintain muscle and encourage fat release.

2. People overtrain.... or "mis-train"

In January, people tend to hit the gym. Hard. Motivation is high at this point. Optimism is also high. The programs and plans that people take on are usually not sustainable and soreness, lack of progress and loss of motivation result in missed workout days and finally abandoning the effort all together. Mis-training refers to the people that are motivated and excited (with good intentions) to REALLY change this year and they are determined to do it with the latest gimmick, program or trend. Think of the infomercial "stuff" that you see on TV at all hours. Trying to look like the models using the latest Ab gadget isn't going to happen by using that gadget! The good news is that the basics work. Always. All you need to do is to challenge your body in ways that it isn't used to so that it has to adapt (by getting stronger and fitter).

3. People will rely on supplements and chemical compounds

Fat burners don't burn fat. Muscle builders don't build muscle. In fact, MOST, supplements don't do what they are advertised to do. Supplements should always be seen as being ...."in addition to". In other words, they should be "supplemental". Supplemental to the right nutrition and exercise regimen. For long lasting, safe and effective results, learn how to speed your metabolism by eating "right" and adding some lean muscle to your body.

4. People cut carbs

(This comes directly from Phil Kaplan's Blog) "Here’s the deal. Carbs are not carbs anymore. I refer to the chemical compounds sold in various forms that our bodies haven’t a clue what to do with. High fructose corn syrup is abundant in the center aisles of the grocery store. It is not a friendly carbohydrate, in fact, it is a villain. It assaults the liver, alters insulin activity, and can lead to inflammation and disease when consumed frequently for an extended period of time. In foods labeled “healthy” you’ll find sugar alcohols, gluten, processed grains devoid of nutrient value, and chemically linked molecules of dextrose and fructose to form sugars. We’re dealing with metabolisms and digestive systems run amuck as these “non-foods” make up near half of our consumer food sales. With that said, natural carbohydrates, including fibers and natural starches, can prove to be the body’s premier energy supply. The difficulty lies in separating “what’s OK” from the items that should be on the “never eat this” list."

5. People will rely on aerobic exercise

Just like cutting carbs or calories might result in short term weight loss, relying on aerobic exercise (to the exclusion of muscle building exercise) MIGHT result in weight loss. It WILL, however, result in a less efficient metabolism and a body that is actually better at storing fat. Believe it or not, too much aerobic exercise can make you fat! The solution is a combination of muscle building and endurance exercise that will result in an enhanced metabolism, stronger bones, less body fat, improved blood flow, enhanced energy AND increased lean body mass.

6. People make too radical a change and step too far outside of their comfort zones

Your habits are with you for a life time. Making changes and developing new behaviours takes time. If you love wine and are told you can NEVER have wine again, you will fail. If you have never exercised and you try to exercise 6 days a week for 60 minutes.... you are going to fail. Our bodies want us to survive and will drive us back to what is "comfortable" as a defense. The good news is that small, easy changes over time can make a HUGE difference in your health, your fitness and your body. You have to give yourself room to fail (without being a failure)..... because we are all human.

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