
Monday, December 27, 2010

Awesome Inspiring Story For The Holidays

I don't get to discuss much about my Wellness clients' successes because frankly I have more athletes that work with us than clients that want to get healthy. In the future I will try to recognize our athletes' successes more as well, but today I wanted to update you on Joyce. The picture of Joyce really smiling wide and jump rope on the ground is her after picture.

Joyce was mentioned back in a newsletter in June about how she changed her diet around and finally started seeing results. Well, I wanted to talk about her changes after a year.

We did weighing and measuring and Joyce has dropped 4 percentage points in her bodyfat, equating to a 27 pound fat loss. The scale for her has dropped 26.5 pounds, meaning she was able to gain a half a pound of muscle. This is awesome! This means we were able to keep all her muscle which in turn keeps her metabolism high and allows her to burn more fat.

She is ecstatic about the weight loss and rightfully so. I'm going to attach pictures to this newsletter when I post it on my blog and fan page. You should check them out. She's ended up losing around 15-16 inches around her body.

To Joyce though, the bigger thrill is the energy she has. She just feels better, she feels stronger and her doctors are taking note. Her arthritis doctor was really happy with the weight loss and progress she has been making. In fact, Joyce has been able to eliminate all of her pain meds and that is wonderful. Doing a full squat was unimaginable and now she can do it like it is nothing.

She realizes that this is the tip of the iceberg and next year will be another big year for her. She has a new weight goal that we will be trying to accomplish together and when she accomplishes it, you can bet we will be sharing it with you.

So, I want to say great job to Joyce and keep up the good work. Whether she realizes it or not, she is and will be an inspiration to many people who think they can't. Joyce is beating the odds and trying to change her life around and enjoying it while she is doing it. You will be hearing more about Joyce's progress in the upcoming year.

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