
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Insight From Celebrity Trainer Pat Manocchia

I was all set on writing a different newsletter, when I heard this interview with celebrity trainer Pat Manocchia and decided to review some of his fitness tips. Manocchia has worked with many celebrities in the NYC area including John McEnroe, Howard Stern, and Madonna.

As a personal trainer, you ask yourself what separates you from these big celebrities. Do they really know that much more than you or is it they are in the right place at the right time? I don't know if that question was answered in this interview I heard (even though the guy was good friends with JFK Jr.), but here are some of his tidbits that maybe will help you out as well.

1. You HAVE to get exercise in daily. Your life doesn't have to be consumed by it, but you need to get some type of exercise in to improve your overall health.

2. Do not run outdoors with an ipod playing. First of all, you need to be able to hear what is happening around you - cars, bikes, other people, etc. Secondly, you need to be in more tune with your own body. You don't want to start running harder because of a great tune and slowing down because of a sucky one. Finally, you also need to be aware of your own breathing as you are running. This goes hand-in-hand with the second thought, but understanding your body will help you become more efficient a runner.

3. Do not exercise with the sole purpose of making yourself look better. No matter how good you get your physique, you will always find some type of flaw. You need to change your mindset. You need to work out for the overall good feeling you get after accomplishing a hard workout and then knowing how it is helping improve your health.

4. Manocchia feels that Weight Watchers is the best of all the weight loss programs out there (I have my own views about this, but this newsletter is about him not me) and is encouraged by what Richard Simmons does. If you take away his hair and goofy outfits, he is really trying to help people. He knows the demographic he wants to hit and tries to make it fun for them.

5. He doesn't believe in dieting, but eating a variety of items. He doesn't deprive himself of foods he enjoys whether they are healthy or not, but does focus on making sure he gets the appropriate amount of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and carbs in. If he happens to have an occasional doughnut, so what, he is getting everything else his body needs.

I only caught the last half of the interview, so I'm sure there were other things he discussed. Ultimately, it boils down to you and whether you can make a commitment to yourself, not to me, about doing the best that you can for your health. Even so, sometimes hearing fitness tips means a little more coming from someone else rather than the same voice each time.

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