
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

See If You Can Do These Simple Tasks

Just the other day, I woke up in the morning and as I was getting dressed realized how stiff I was trying to put some of my clothes on. I managed, but it got me to thinking about a topic for today's newsletter. When clients work with us, they might start with something like weight loss or looking better, but ultimately it is to improve their way of life. They should be able to do all of the various chores that life presents to you on a daily basis.

So I came up with a list that I want you to use as a guideline. Everyone should be able to do these things regardless of age (unless you have already broken a leg or something like that). We should be able to have the same range of motion now, that we did as a kid. So can you do these tasks:

• Can you squat down and tie your shoes?

• Can you shovel snow off of your driveway without tweaking a muscle or having a throbbing muscle afterwards? Or without losing your breath? There are a lot of people that have heart attacks shoveling snow.

• Can you stand in the shower and either squat down to wash your entire leg, or balance yourself on one leg as you lift the other up and wash it?

• Can you pick your toddler up or grandchild up in awkward positions and not hurt yourself?

• Can you go up a flight of stairs without breathing heavy?

• Can you bend over and touch your toes?

• Can you still run?

• Can you jump?

• Can you pick something heavy off of the floor and put it on the highest shelf that you can reach without hurting yourself?

• If you were to propose again (or for the first time) to your spouse or potential spouse and get on one knee, could you get down and get up without holding onto anything?

• Could you do a situp or a push-up?

• After sitting for awhile, can you stand up and not have your lower back hurt?

There are probably plenty of more tasks that are simple, we do daily, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. These are all tasks that we do and should still be able to do. The modern, easy lifestyle does our bodies no favors by allowing the body to get lax and lose it's strength and range of motion. Your body is your most precious machine and you need to take care of it. These tasks don't go away because we get older. Take the time to work a solid stretching and strengthening program into your lifestyle, so that these tasks don't become an issue for you.

Don't become that person that can't get out of a chair without some assistance. Ultimately, you'll be glad you took the time to exercise.

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