
Thursday, February 10, 2011

10 Day Herbal Cleanse (Day 4)

Today wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday. The fiber drink stops for the next 4 days and I start using the probiotic. I've had plenty of water and I've learned to keep drinking it. The key to me not being hungry like I was talking about yesterday is to make sure I eat when I'm supposed to. So here were my meals today:

Real oatmeal made from oats with cinnamon and blueberries. This is pretty filling and helps me get to the next meal. I washed it down with some Advocare's Spark.

Had some almonds and raisins for a snack.

For my next two meals I ate chicken breasts, brown rice, mixed veggies, and fruit.

I then had to train for 4 hours straight, so I brought some almonds and had plenty of water.

That got my through to dinner. I ate a tenderloin, with brown rice, a salad with a vinaigrette dressing, with a clementine. I should be good until tomorrow. Will have the Herbal Cleanse tablets before bed and I'm good.

Talk to you tomorrow.

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